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Main : death, ecology, landscape, poetry

ISBN: 9781876756505
0.130 kgs
198 x 128 mm
90 pp
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Modewarre: Home Ground
Patricia Sykes
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Modewarre is the indigenous Wathaurong word for musk duck. Through this icon of land and water, Patricia Sykes explores various histories – her own, her forebears, the wider histories of identity and place – in poems that are as concentrated as pearls. Three roads meeting in the one bird: modewarre (the indigenous), biziura lobata (the colonial), musk duck (the common).

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Shortlisted 2005, Judith Wright Award
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'Sykes is a poet who is intelligent and often vivid –“…like a grounded thing / she is learning mud / as delicious and terminal” – and Modewarre is an astute and rewarding collection.


Stephen Lawrence, Wet Ink

‘It sweeps its subjects along in a flow of striking images and strong feelings, these buoyed by an intelligent sense of poetic structure and modulated by a sometimes ironic eye.’

Jennifer Strauss

‘… this is a brilliant book of poetry.  I was thrilled and moved by it.  I was engaged by its intellectualism.  It is so valuable to come across books like this, books that shake your complacency, books that compel you to pick up a pen and write something of your own.’ 

Jennifer Harrison
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