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Women's Studies, Women's Lives
Committee On Women's Studies In Asia (eds.)

Women’s Studies scholars and practitioners from South and Southeast Asia share their thoughts on their lives as women and on the impact of Women’s Studies on their work and their lives.What are the critical issues facing women in Asian countries? How are women’s needs reflected in women’s centres and academic institutions? What has been written and by whom? Is there a new Asian model of...

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Ao Toa
Cathie Dunsford

A modern fictional equivalent of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. What happens when a group of scientists take creation into their own hands? Ao Toa is that rare novel⎯an eco-thriller combining action and suspense with deep emotions and the sensual power of the natural world. It is peopled with believable women and men, teenagers and elders, suits and activists, farmers and gardeners. As they...

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Town of Love
Anne Ch. Ostby
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They call them ‘women of love,’ but the lyrical beauty of the term has a hidden dark side: a workforce of very young girls tasked with feeding their families by offering up their bodies for sale. The girls belong to the Nat which includes some of India’s very poorest. For centuries, the Nat men have sent their daughters, sisters, and wives into sex trafficking. Baby girls are...

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C-Word, The
Jean Taylor

The C-Word is an honest and forthright account of cancer. It deals with the loneliness the partner of a sufferer faces, the gruelling treatments of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and the terror and calm of facing death. A story of a powerful lesbian partnership, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of community.

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Aesop the Fox

Aesop the Fox

Suniti Namjoshi

Aesop’s fables are brought to life by the timely intervention of Sprite from the future, who prods Aesop into debate...

Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Robin Morgan

I‘ve had me up my sleeve
I‘ve pulled me from my hat
I’ve planted myself in the audience
as the patsy I dare to decipher...



Renate Klein

Pared down to cold hard facts, surrogacy is the commissioning/buying/ renting of a woman into whose womb an embryo is...

The Pimping of Prostitution

The Pimping of Prostitution

Julie Bindel

This book examines one of the most contested issues facing feminists, human rights activists and governments around the...

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